
I'm wondering if you could do the 1500/2000 grit wetsand on final coat and then wipe with mineral spirits and Clearcoat without the polish. I'm willing to try but have to get body work done. Painting starts this weekend

So I'm going to try to get some of the painting done this weekend. I'm still curious if anyone has thought if this would work better than just polish and wax after last coat. Anyone still have an old hood thats been done and can try this process.

I was just browsing a local paintstore site and found these 2 products.
1: http://www.cloverdalepaint.com/html/catalog_spec.asp?prodcode=A-69

2: http://www.cloverdalepaint.com/html/catalog_spec.asp?prodcode=A-68

I think this is the answer to the Peel problems. I once painted a canoe with TClad and an addative called paint smoothie that I beleive is the same as the #1 link above.


Last edited by 82Scirocco; 06/03/06 09:17 PM.