
Aussie- Have been following Brightside posts with great interest. Last weekend I switched to Brightside dark blue after failing at perfection with Rustoleum. I added penetrol only in first couple of coats and was stunned how it flowed out. Last night, I unscientifically added more, maybe 50% and it came out like crap. Very mottled/orange peely. What percentage have you determined to be the best ? Are you also adding Mineral Spirits ? Also, has anyone found a good way of toning down the Brightside Fire Red with out making it look like a muddy mess ?



I use a slightly different method to most people when it comes to thinning the paint. A couple of years ago I bought a piece-of-crap electric sprayer which came with a little cup with a hole in the bottom of it. The cup is dipped into the paint and you then time how long it takes for the cup to empty.

I have been using this method. I usually add about 400ml of paint, then about 100ml of Penetrol and then I add mineral spirits until I get a total cup flow time of 30 seconds. Once I'm at the 30 second mark, I'm ready to paint.

And I'm really happy that the plastic cup is more useful than the piece-of-crap electric sprayer.....