I'd like to share my observations-

1) This does work...it's not the greatest paint job in the world ande it does have some limitations, but it does work.

2) I thinned at 40% mineral spirits (measured) that worked well for me.

3) The less paint, the less problems. Keep the coats very thin. Push all the paint out of the roller then apply. Orange peel will be greatly reduced.

4) Bubbles will happen, don't panic. Get the area you are tying to paint covered, then wait 40-60 seconds, most bubbles will be gone. Then very lightly go over it with just the weight of the roller to smooth everything out.

5) I would suggest just one coat a day to allow the paint to dry in the sun in between coats.

6) If you lay the paint on smooth, then you don't have to wet sand as much...I just very lightly wet sanded. 2 coats 600, 2 coats 600, 2 coats 600, 1 coat 2000.

7) If you don't have one but a buffer. I got a 6 inch buffer from Harbor Freight for 13 bucks and it made all the difference in the world.

8) The Turtle Wax Polishing Compound works wonders. Take your time, lots of buffing.

9) Each color is a bit different. I used a test fender and tried Gloss Black, Sail Blue, Regal Red and Smoke Gray. All of the "Stops Rust" variety.

10) All turned out well, but here are some thoughts. The Smoke Gray and Sail Blue hid imperfections better than Regal Red and Gloss Black. Regal Red will take more than 7 coats to cover (this has been talked about already) Gloss Black can be done, but it has a very small margin for error.

11) I think I will end up doing gloss White or the Light Gray color.

Here is the fender I worked with. I got it for free, it was in bad shape (high and low spots) and my kids have been playing with it, but it will give you an idea.

I'm going to paint a 92 sentra with my son and I'll post pics once its complete.