Here’s a heads up for other noobs to painting.
I’ve been painting my 69 Bug and
have about 8 coats. I’m rolling Rustoleum Pro Regal Red. As I tried to set up for the final coat, I’d be using 1500 paper and still sand through the top coat which left what I’ll call leopard spots.

When the wailing and gnashing was over, I decided to learn something about my new HF rotary polisher since I would need to paint another coat anyway. happy was I when the leopard spots completely disappeared ! I did an initial run with Turtle Wax polishing paste, and then a run with Meguiars #2 ( Fine Cut Cleaner ) and holy smokes...this thing is awesome!

Bottom line is that now I know that I can sand all the orange peal off and get a finish that will be everything I’d hoped for. Huge thanks to 69chargeryeehaa and all the posters who have helped me understand this process. I’ll try to get some pics up next week.