oly - your welcome. it's 69chargeryeehaa by the way, the yeehaa part comes in when i drive by the body shops with my charger!!!!

i really wonder how many sucess stories are really out there and not posting pics!!!!!

what a monster i've created muhahahahahah!!! (where's that Dr. evil emoticon when you need it!!!!)

i totally agree, people view the roller method as more work than spraying, and i see it as the total opposite, no mess, mixing reducer with a measuring cup, hope it does'nt rain, kill your family, overspray on everything you own, ect.....on and on it goes. Spraying paint on only accomplishes applying paint onto a surface in a thin uniform layer....rollering on thin paint with less "flash" time in thin uniform coats accomplishes the same end result, the tremclad/rustoleum paint in my book is the perfect paint for this process, it's durrable, cheap, easy to work with, and it's cheap, plus not to mention the fact that it does'nt cost alot!!!! Actually i really think that the roller method yeilds a thinner overall thickness of paint compared to single stage or BC/CC paints since there is no primer, primer sealer, topcoat.....or....primer, base, clear. overall at least my paintjobs are much thinner than any conventional auto painting technique, plus even with a HVLP setup which i too have and have done alot of, i used less paint on the charger than the 71 bug (midnight blue)!!!! it really doesn't matter how you apply the paint (spray/roller) it just matters that you apply it thin and uniform, that is accomplished using the roller technique, with the added benifits of being able to do it at home and not battle dust/dirt/hair/bugs, ect.....everything about this technique is eaiser, less stressful, cheaper, ect....than spraying paint. i painted my charger in 3 days, from just after prep to done, if i had sprayed that car, it would have taken me longer, i'd have to tape up the car, prime the car, sand the car, tape up the car, primer sealer, then paint, clean up the huge mess, ect....opposed to no taping, no overspray, work at a leisurely pace, wetsand (which to me is a walk in the park compared to taping up a car!!!!) then polish....ummmm, i'll roll-on.