
Interesting results. I imagine you end up with less orange peel with the spraygun than with the roller, but kick up more dust and debris, so it would only be "better" (i.e. less wetsanding) if the increase in dust problems offsets the amount of orange peel you get with a roller. I think that with enough practice and the correct ratio you could keep the roller-peel to a minimum.

I see using the Wagner HLVP with Rustoleum as an intermediate step between the roller (very low cost, lots of labor/technique) and a full-on BC/CC spray job (very high cost). The next intermediate step would be to spray with the Wagner HLVP a BC/CC job in your garage. That would be more expensive than Rustoleum, but not as costly as either buying a compressor and gun or having someone spray for you.

I like the fact that the roller doesn't kick up any dust to get into the paint, so you can really do it in your average home garage (or even outside as many here have done).

wouldn't hosing the area you going to be working at be the thing to do to keep the dust down??