Paint job revisited. I went over back over the trunk and rear quarters of the galaxie with 800 to remove what I can only assume is orange peel from too thick an application. I then repainted and by the time I got to the trunk I begain getting organge peel and thick paint again! The quarter panels that I painted first were fine.

I think that here in St. Louis where the temps are in the upper 80's and the humidity nearly the same, that the mineral spirits evaporate from the paint at a much faster rate. I think that by the time I got to painting the trunk, the paint had thickened due to evaporation to a maybe 30% mixture. It's the only think I can figure as to why the trunk would be so much more orange peely than the quarter panels painted from the same mixture, just 1/2 hour earlier.

I sure hope I am making progress this time.