I'm going for it. My weapon of choice... Top Secret TS-4 urethane-reinforced with their thinner. When asked what I used for paint, "That's Top Secret" will sound better than "I rolled it with boat paint".

Since I've never painted, I didn't really want to be the first to try a product but this project will likely take about a year to complete. I should be able to get in a lot of practice in the meantime. I ordered two of the Harbor Freight rechargeable spray cans to jam everything out while the truck is apart. While I await my Top Secret order, I've been practicing rolling Rusto black on my lawn tractor and I have my truck's old fenders for honing my rolling skills with the marine paint once it arrives.

I'm anxious to see the final Petitt Camaro results. I believe it's a similar paint to what I'll be using. Wish me luck.