Clear coats have been a bit of a challenge for roll on painters. I believe someone once posted that Tremclad, the Canadian branch of Rustoleum, makes a clear coat.

A second option is to use a regular automotive clear coat. There are several problems with these clear coats.

1. They all contian isocyanates which are flat out dangerous to human health! Automotive clear coats are generally more dangerous than automotive primers and base coats. So proper safety gear is required.

2. These paints are formulated to be sprayed, not brushed. These paints normally dry very fast. I've read of folks brushing these clear coats on small areas. (5-10 square feet) On a project the size of a car, it would most likely be very difficult (or impossible) to apply these clear coats fast enough with a roller.

3. Automotive clear coats may contain chemicals which will mess up the rustoleum / brightside. You definitely want to experiment a test piece to ensure compatiblity.

4. The prices on some automotive clear coats may shock folks used to buying hardware store paint.

A long time ago, someone on this website posted that they SPRAYED some Nasson clear over some Rustoleum or Brightside. I don't believe they ever posted WHICH Nasson clear they used though.

Someone else posted in a previous thread that they tried rolling on Kirker urethane clear, but it did not work out. They later sprayed the Kirker and that turned out.

I've read that some of the new waterbased automotive clear coats can be applied over ANY paint, even lacquer. Some of these are also reported to be available in spray cans. Try a Google search for "U-Pol" and/or "Instant clear". I'm 100% unfamiliar with these products. If you find some good information on these products please let us know.