Durability update:

It's been quite a while since I've logged in to this site, but I thought it was an appropriate time for an update. I got hooked up with this thread about 2 years ago and did a little experimenting. My first project was to repaint the rusted garage beer fridge (red with white racing stripes) which I still love. Next up was the riding mower, again with Rustoleum's wonderfull Red (no racing stripes this time). That one was completed in April 2006 I think. Photos of both projects are back on the old expired threads on this site. Since that time, the mower has been sitting outside, uncovered, in the South Florida sun (when not performing it's duties!). Over the last few weeks I noticed just how faded the paint was starting to look on the hood. Keep in mind that from day one after the paint dried it has been outside and has NEVER had any wax applied. And as you might expect, it was starting to look pretty bad, but that was kinda the point - see how durable the paint is. Well, I couldn't take it any longer and broke out an old bottle of NU-FINISH car polish (not a compound, just a polish). 15 minutes later, with only elbow grease and a rag, the old mower looked just as shiny as the day I put the last coat on! I gotta say I am very impressed, enough that any doubts I had about putting it on my daily driver are gone. Now if I could only find the time! LOL