
69Charger, what kind of buffer/bonnet are you using? Because i notice your getting decent results out of the CT compound.

Would following up with a coat of wax after the polishing compound give it some shine?

I'm using a $15 buffer 10", random orbit 3800rpm, with a terry bonnet, turtle wax polishing coumpound and water. But i agree with aussiedriver, using the right stuff will get better results quicker, i'm just lazy, spent about half a day polishing the final the day after i painted it, and then waxed it when i was done. The shine was good but not as good as aussie's, i'm not a polisher, but i would'nt think it's that hard, espically if you take aussie's advice. i think my results are better just because i have more expirence laying the paint down well. I almost don't have to wetsand after the final coat, actually the beetle was not wetsanded after the final coat at all, and i only polished the roof a bit, got impaitient and put the car together!!!

Here's a pic, i did'nt wetsand after the final coat, it went on very smooth, just did a little polishing:

here's a pic a day or 2 after paint:

if you get the technique down pat, you almost don't have to wetsand after the final coat, just polish, or even go straight to wax, depending on how good of a finish you want. My beetle was better than any macco paint job by far just after the last coat. I did wetsand between coats, and the last wetsand before the final coat was a really good one, perfect surface then straight to paint.