
Joeshmo, use two rollers, one for paint and one to level and knock down the bubbles.
I didn't mix 1-1 but used a screwdriver to stir after adding thinner. I'd stir then lift the screwdriver out of the paint and count 1, 2, 3 etc watching for when the piant coming off the tip went from a stream to drips should be around a count of 8 this worked well for me when I did my truck.

Hey, thanks for the tip with the two roller thing but I still created a horrendous amount of roller marks. I thinned pretty thin, roughly 1:1. I tried it and rolled on, lots of little bubbles that popped with one pass of the dry roller. Good. However from an angled side one could still observe the roller marks. Not happy. So I tried the next panel with the same solution, only saturated the roller more. Lots of runs as it was a vertical panel but still little bubbles that rolled out nice and easy. And yet I still had marks from the side that would not disappear no matter the amount of dry rolling. Switched to a 2:1 ratio paint to thinner. Rolled on thicker, and my work time seemed to be LESS and even MORE roller marks. What gives? What am I doing wrong here? This was what I hopped to be my final coat(coat 6+2 primer coats). I have a decent 15 foot paint job but I didn't realize I'd have roller marks galore! Any tips? Thanks!