Haven't got to the finish coat yet, but I'm leaning towards this method. My question is regarding prep process, I had a bad day today (despite being Fathers Day) with spraying some high-build 2K primer out of a cheap Harbor Freight gun, I've done this before and not had issues, must be the gun. Anyway, I ended up grabbing a foam brush and brushing on some areas I had done some bodywork. Why could I not use a foam roller and brush for this entire process - bare metal, then epoxy, then roll multiple coats of 2K, guide coat, block, then roll more 2K as needed ? The only issue I see is these primers eventually eat the foam brush/rollers so I may need to swap to a new one after 5-10 minutes (my 2K sets up in 10-15 anyway). I'm just thinking, since I'm blocking the car down as much as necessary, why could'nt/would'nt I roll the sucker. It would be so sweet to not have to worry about water in my airline, pressure regulation, cleaning the friggin' gun 3-4 times, just roll it out and trash your rollers! Block, roll and repeat until you have the conditions you want! Yes ? Why not ? I don't dare ask this question on any autodody website, but any of you that have sprayed over the years - what's your opinions ?