
... So, I posted a link to pics of Aussie's Miata. One called the photos BS, and others kept saying that you would only do this if you really didn't care about how your car looked....

Closed minds and snobs. The debate will never be over.

In the car world there are DRIVERS and there are trailer queen owners...

Drivers put their first priority into the mechanics of their cars so that they can DRIVE THEM and enjoy them. I drive my cars. I drive them a lot. I love driving. And nothing killed me worst than having my McLaren grounded in the garage for over 3 years because I could not afford to get a decent and economical paint job on to it.

The trailer queens are the guys who want to go to the car shows or local Friday Night park and shines to show off 'how glamorous' their car looks compared to the next guy. These guys are naturarlly going to take every opportunity to poop on any paint job that cost less then $20,000. Heck they will even find flaws in professional paint jobs that might happen to look better then the one on their own ride.

So the average MAACO paint job is never even going to receive a smiling nod from those type of folks. They are looking for faults in other folks rides in some bent attempt to justify the bucks they spent or to self bloat their own ego about their ride.

And frankly I care about all my cars. My McLaren Mustang is only one of about 1400 that are still on the road an in use. The only two-seater Mustang ever authorised by Ford. That tends to make it a bit unique as a car.... and a survivor.

So I would disagree strongly with anyone that might argue that you only roll paint on cars you don't care about.

But I think we all would agree that if we had a magic bag of cash fall into our lap... we would love to slough the work off on a professional paint shop. But sadly no magic bag of bucks fell into my lap while my McLaren sat in the garage in its primer coat.

The roller paint process allowed me to get the car on to the streets and to enjoy driving it while I wait for that magic bag of cash to come dropping in my lap.

And if by some miracle a magic bag of cash does appear... well it is no big deal to scuff coat my one stage polyurathane paint job to have a one stage polyurathane sprayed on at a professional shop...

The process does not ruin a car and render it untouchable by a paint shop in the future...

Let's steal a line from William Shakespeare to best sum it up " To thine own self be true "

Which means : Don't live to impress others - do what is ultimately best for you.
