So where has all this come from we may wonder? I think all A-B-C-E bodies that have any hint of lightweightness in their blood can trace it all to Chrysler's history written in the most unorthodox way.

Correct me if you may, take for instance the A- bodies. They can trace this madness to the D-Darts of the mid 60's along with the 68'Hemi LO23's and BO29's and the Feather Dusters/Dart Lites.
Those are the blueprints I would be following to get the most out of the A-bodies as far as weight.

M-code A-cars did not have a Diet plan at all or as radical as the three previous code options.

The Early B's of course have the Maxies, A-864 and the A-990 Hemi's to lay blame on.

The Mid-evil B's wink at the 67'R0's and W0's.

and the late B's go hand in hand with the A-12's.

I think the 70'-74' B's can really indulge in the Stock car diet programs that go unnoticed in many circles.

The C-bodies have but one rare and awkward pedigree to follow up to. The Hurst 300's of 1970'. Though I suspect that those Fiberglass hoods and trunk lids were heavier than the steel versions.

Of course the E-bodies can point fingers in the direction of the AAR/TA Pony's and as far as I'm concerned, the infamous step father Trick Titanium Cable and Missile cars.

My cars DNA trail leads us back to three unusual suspects.
*Detroit's own "Silver Bullet".
*The four 1964 2% and the four 1965 2% incognito cars built prior to the 12% 1965 Altered wheel based cars we all know and love today.

Now in current times, The New Challengers of course can only elbow the Drag Pak's in their ribs for starting it all over again and nothing more.

Last edited by fullmetaljacket; 01/17/13 02:55 AM.