Yeah, I love making things with found objects or tools made up right on the spot. I seem to have fantastic luck where ever I end up making stuff to find something lying around or a standing structure enabling me to create bends, breaks, impressions and so forth.
Heck, I made the 45 degree side wall bends on the hood scoop you see above off the handrails on the stairwell of the Housing Projects where I grew up. LOL.

Attached below is an old picture of the cars inner compartment where if you look to the lower right floor panels, you will be able to see the hand formed transmission tunnel (to enable engine setback) fabricated out of steel sheet over oil drums and any other round object I could find in the Navy Yard.
Contrary to what the magazine and online article says, it is not made out of Aluminum sheet, it is pure steel. I'd be crazy to make that crucial section out of aluminum. LOL.

Like you indicated, It was super hard work to make those semi bull horn cone bends and file fit into the existing floor panels. I think I took a whole two days between fab and welding it into place,but I could hand wrestle Hulk Hogan after that as well.
Yeah, like you, I enjoy achieving with as little as possible to make a big impression. It's art in the making.
