I know full well that some people are not in the position to build some or any of the parts shown on this thread but they are the people that should be the most greatful to the people that can. History has shown many times that the large companies often replicate parts racers have built at home using very limited equipment, if it wasn't for the little guy where would the parts builders get their ideas from?

I'm quite sure this thread has set quite a few wheels in motion & has inspired people all over the world, long may it continue.

Anyone who thinks they don't have the equipment to do much of this should watch the movie "Worlds Fastest Indian" Burt Munroe built his Indian with second hand files, hacksaws, a home made furnace & an old lathe that most machinists would run a mile from, no CNC machines in those days. I may be slightly biased as I'm writing this from Burts mome town of Invercargill but this thread gives me inspiration, just like Burt's movie did.

Keep up the good work.