This one had a WO hood with scoop and scoop opening underneath which was added years later since it came with a flat hood from the Factory.

Scoop was metal as I expected it.

Supposedly it was ordered through Helms Bros. Dodge in Bayside and then after a few years of hard runnin' on the street and three broken Hemis later, it was sold to a local auto body shop and raced for a couple of more years at the track then sold to this gentleman in 1970 at 14 years of age.
He's since added a super clean A-990 interior comforts which looks like the factory had done it. Now a Dick Landy detuned elephant built in 98' by the Legend himself resides in the engine nest.

I once had a guy almost sell me a supposedly Hemi 4 speed Black version complete with a supposedly dealer ordered WO hood. I lost contact with the owner that just simply faded away and I never got the chance again. Oh well, I found my current gem and its all for the better.

Hemi-itis! you have any more pics of this brute?