You're right Thumper.
Last time out, my car was leaving mean and clean even though I was pedaling it and I guess it was a combo of two strengths.
One was the new adjustable shocks and their angles and the other was a clean mouth piece, aka Carburetor.

Off subject but much need in know.
In what I thought was the pinnacle pick of carburetors, my Pro-systems 4150 based 1000HP turned out to be an athlete with a small case of athletes foot. Now don't get me wrong, this is a great carb to start with by the way, but it was in need of a little TLC within its circuits and metering blocks with the latest in carburetor black magic.

That TLC came from none other than a cat called Dominic Thumper.

This passionate racer seems to want to make everyones carb woes go away and really dives into the right stuff to make sure your carburetor/s run clean, responds razor sharp, idle with manners whether it's on the street or the staging lanes while being a villain at the stripe where it all counts.
Dominic was nothing short of professional and reasonably priced in his retooling of our over anxious carb. Aside from performing a real world wet test and tune after retooling, he also was thorough in his explanation of why carbs stay rich thus getting lazy across the power band, but was patient in explaining post repair fine tuning if needed, which in our case it did not.
This pup was ready to rumble once we nestled it on its manifold perch overlooking the landscape of this relatively stock looking Mopar engine. It fired right up on command and stood at attention and the results both on the street and strip thereafter have been fantastic.
In short, short times dropped, MPH is up slightly and plugs are clean in between after a day of loitering around. He is reasonably priced, performs a real world wet test and tune, thus bringing forth a nasty carburetor ready to serve.

A carburetor clinic is in full swing, and it's at the hands of a committed ace, Dominic Thumper.