Gee, couldn't have expressed it better myself.
I've found that the convenience of catalogs has lead to the loss of Hot Rodding to some degree. I have myself indulged in catalogs for certain things as well, but if I had any slight hint that I could make it in a safe and responsible way or twist some ones arm to do it, I'd do it in a heart beat. Like said above, this is not to start a heated rant, but to simply tinker with the ideas that can make all of this fun again like it used to be.
Believe you me, some that choose anonymity here have told me of some ideas and choose to not be the token looney target like I have in some circles. LOL.
When I started my lightweight plans back in 1989 and one or two local GM boys got a fluke of what they thought was going on, they laughed and laughed with caution. Now they wait on line to get a call back from me to lighten their cars in a stealthy way. I just do not have the time and they don't love it enough to justify the effort.

Last edited by fullmetaljacket; 02/03/13 11:08 PM.