Much corrected. I could see how it is deceiving being that cars are much much lighter than your average dump truck. I did notice that E-towns scale was off and on the very same day. Fuel was the same as well. Those scales with wood planks may fool themselves if they are wet from a previous rain I've been told.
I will look into some one with accurate car scales here in the NYC area that I may borrow.
Truthfully, based on my previous scale numbers a few years back, I had thought that my car was a lot lighter then what it scaled at.
I mean I've scaled every thing that I have taken off or modified on good digital and mechanical scales to compare. The numbers were dead on between the two types and I've cataloged all the numbers and put them together to see if they matched what the truck,track scales said and not close.

Last edited by fullmetaljacket; 08/21/13 02:57 PM.