I agree again and thoroughly. I would suggest going lean and clean with that bullet. I'm sure that a lot has come a long way in the scope of oiling systems, fuel hose/coupling systems and such that new materials or the lack of so much equipment can still bring the same or better results to keep it light.

Itis, If you just went with a thin gauge 321 Military grade stainless exhaust system to copy what you have now, you'd save at the very least, 35-40 Lbs or more.
When I come over, I'm gonna bring a sample left over from my recent lightweight stainless exhaust system. A little pricey, but man, you gotta start some where with that Sumo Wrestling racer of yours.
Less weight, less effort, less breakage in getting to the stripe without a sweat gland opening.
If at the very least, try and relocate everything up front towards the rear, even if it's only an inch rearward. The transfer will astound you once the car finds that (Tipping point) sweet spot.