
Another question. I always thought that you should knock the shine off paint before applying another coat over it. The instructions here are to do 2 coats before wet sanding, but do you knock the shine off in between the 2? I have been, and I am wondering if it is unnecessary with the Rustoleum Pro; I have a lot of car left to do.

This is one of those yes and no type answers...

Yes.. you could knock the shine off EACH layer IF you wish. That would ensure better adhesion of each of the layers of paint. However, you would have to knock the shine off, wipe the surface down with a cloth dampened in mineral spirit, let it dry, wipe it down with a tack cloth after it is thoroughly dried and then add your next layer of paint.

BUT NO you don't have to knock the shine off each coating. Since you are applying the next coat onto a fairly fresh and dry coat of paint, there is no problem with adhesion. The new coat is able to bond well enough with the previous coating.

I think the rule of always knocking the shine off before painting applies more to when you are painting on to an OLD LAYER of paint or an older shiny surface. In that case the sanding of the shiny surface serves to provide adhesion AND to rid the shiny surface of any contaminants that may have embedded in the original layer.
