
I wrote to a guy who's been painting yachts now for ~30 years. He's had some experience w/ Brightside on his own yacht and car. This is what he wrote:

"hey there,
used brightside and it lays well BUT i would not use it on a car as it is soft and stains easily and weathers badly. It is designed to put a gloss on fiberglass for amatures. I would recommend dupont CENTARI for a good one stage paint if you are not experienced. if you want to be cheap rustolium
industrial paints or devoe are good BUT you have to get it at a industrial supply store. everything sold to consumers with the rustolium label is crap!
I am a big belever in 2 part epoxy primers and a 2 part polyurithane topcot
for the best job."

Rustomleum Industrial Paints? This isn't the stuff we're using, right? Maybe Tremclad?

I've also heard Brightside in shades of white which are not exposed to sun will yellow. I believe this has been mentioned before. Any thoughts?

Feedback will be appreciated.


the brightside looks like nice paint, but i've never worked with it and don't know what happens over the years; so i can't reccommend it, the tremclad however i know lasts, holds up very well, and is super easy to apply, the rustoleum i have not used, but it's very simmilar to the tremclad which i think is the same as rustoleum professional. boy i'm glad i'm in canada and tremclad is $25/Gal!!!!