
Are you saying the roller job doesn't need a real good wet sand just a quick- one between every other coat to cut down on orange peel???

I've definitely noticed it makes preceeding coats come out much smoother with less and less pronouced orange peel and more gloss. But, I might be spending much more time sanding between coats trying to eliminate all traces of orange peel when it isn't necessary.....and risking cutting into the underlying layers


it is a fine balance between applying thin enough coats to avoid peel, and thick enough to not sand thru and actually get good coverage. the first 3-4 coats don't really matter, you just want coverage, and cut down the sanding time at final sand. you could just do 3 heavey coats and sand at the end, but it will be alot more work. if you can work the roller fast and good, then you could get away with 2 full strength coats, wetsand, then 1 more non thinned coat, then wetsand, then 1 coat thinned down and a final wetsand. i could do any, but i've used the paint ALOT. i'd bet i could paint a car in the dark and it would look great, but that's just because i've had alot of practice.....well maybe too much!!!