Yes I have to agree with you Exit, we all know if we choose we could use a HVLP and go to town with single stage, with the mess, extra masking, dust and doghair. Thats why if you have the desire you can paint your ride with a sponge roller, by executing the techniques outlined on this thread, you can achieve a really decent paint job for a lot less money that it would cost you to have it professionally done. The good news is, if you don't like the results, you can get it painted, you are only out a small amount of money and your own time.To date I have seen some very good paint jobs on this thread. Price, less mess, do it myself and learn, heck it doesn't get much better. Have a Merry Christmas yall who have visited this thread, I hope you have found it very informative, I know I have.......C38 Coupe