Just to add insult to injury when it comes to professional painters attitude towards roller painting as a crap finish to doom.

My neighbors brother claims that he's been painting cars for over 20 years now, and he couldn't tell by touch even that the paint on my car had been rolled on.

Granted my car is all white, sitting in a garage, and hasn't yet been wetsanded since the photo I posted, so this 'might' make it somewhat difficult to notice a difference right off.

But even after I showed him the tray, mixing can, the paint I;ve been using, AND the paint roller in the trunk, he still refused to believe that what I had done was a roller job.

So the old saying seems to remain true that you can show someone to a door of truth, but only that person can make the choice to open the door and walk through it.

Professional paint jobs are great, who wouldn't want one if money wasn't the decisive choice on the matter? But if I'm satified with a paint job that I've personally done, on a car that I've wrenching on from the ground up-- I could care less what the professional painters opinions are-- especially if one can't even tell the difference after touching a rolled on paint/base primer job.