
I think the the car you are reffering to is the black miata that Ausie Driver did? If so, he did not use Rustolean paint from what I recall reading from the many posts. He used some other paint that was available locally to him at the time. It wasn't rusto. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

You're right on the money mate. I used an Australian paint called Tremco Metal Armour and it just didn't hold up to the elements. I'm not too fussed about it not working out well though. In a few weeks I'm going to re-paint the car again and because the Tremco stuffed up I'm going to get the chance to fix all of the little bits that didn't work out very well the first time.

In the mean time I have been polishing up my detailing skills and when I'm finished with the car it will look immaculate.