I understand why everyone is putting this method down, people who have no paint expirence figure they can try this method and have perfect results. the fact of the matter is that it takes SKILL to do, and that can only be learned. most people don't practice on a test area and go right to their car roller in hand and go crazy, then they are left with a big mess on their hands, get all pissed off and say that the method is crap. the reality is that there is nothing wrong with the paint, it's a good quality durable paint, and if applied correctly with minimal investment you will end up with a great paint job. i've painted 5 cars with this method, 2 i still have, and 1 other died with that paint job and 2 others that went about 5 yrs and then i had them painted using single stage acrylic enamel regular auto paint and had no issues painting over the tremclad. hardness has never been a issue with the paint for me, a good day in the sun and it's fine. the moral of the story is that it is alot of work, but my time is free, it's not like i'm doing it while i could be making $50/hr, and the ease of work is what i really like. rock on roller buddies

exit1965, if your having seccond thoughts, just polish it up, and pull it out in the sun, i guarentee you that your face will look like this: in that order!!