
So, I understand that 69chargeryeehaa sprayed some Tremclad at some point. I saw this site, I think from this thread, about the Harbor Freight spray gun, and he said he had some good results:
This spray gun is only $39.
It seems to me that it would save a ton of time and elbow grease if the Rustoleum or Brightside could be sprayed. Is this true?
Can you spray Brightside?
I think it would probably save me quite a bit of money if I didn't go with the automotive grade paints. But i haven't really looked into pricing yet.

trust me on this one, roll it, if your going to go thru all the trouble of spraying, then use auto paint, like a single stage enamel, but that goes backwards to the whole roll-painting method, cheap, easy, no mess, ect....plus anytime you spray a car with no booth your just asking for dust/dirt/bugs/hair, ect....in your paint, it's a big problem for the "do-it-yourselfer"!!!
you can spray small sections, hard to reach places like grills, door jambs, ect...but i just use the spray bombs, or if you have a custom color use a compressor and a small touch up gun, spraying a whole car in your garage will be a real pain, mess, and probabally not turn out as nice as a roller job, simply due to the fact that with no booth, dirt/hair ect....will be a major battle, compared to rollering the paint on, where your not disturbing the air, you can stop on each pannel and use a tack cloth just before you paint, you virtually get no dirt in your paint.

plus that cheapo gun will suck, you get what you pay for !!!!

yes i have sprayed the tremclad, but after discovering the roller method, that's history!!!!