
The trunk looks like a different white...??

Well I finally went to home depot and bought a buncha crap. $63 later... I should be set. I like how the blue looks. I spray bombed part of the door to see how the color looks. I still like how sail blue looks as far as the cap and all, but I know it'll be a lot brighter.

On to body work! hehe

Anyone ever seen green bondo? Where can I get that?

I think the hardener is what you can get in different colors. I like the regular red hardener and cheap gray bondo, because the bondo spreaders I use are made to be the same color as the correct mixture of bondo/hardener.

I've tried the bondo gold (gold in color, with red hardener) but did not notice much of a difference, so I went back to the standard, cheap gray bondo and included red hardener. The evercoat rage stuff is supposed to be good, but I wasn't risking the extra $ when I was comfortable working with regular bondo.

Body work is fun, especially in a hot garage. enjoy