
Marq, how is the red holding up on your car? I'm fixing to start on mine here soon once I get out the final dent out of the quarter panel. I'm going with the brightside red with a black top, but I'm just curious on how the red is holding up to the weather.

I put a couple of thousand kilometers on the car since it's paint job. I have left it outside and not 'garage queened' it. It has been hit with rain, hail, superhot days... egg cooking sun. It has suffered the standard indignities suffered by any car driving down the highway....

And to tell you the truth... the car looks better today then when I first finished it. And there have been no paint failures or loss of shine etc.

The one thing I have concluded is that when we are in close working contact with our paint jobs we acquire almost 'Superman' type vision. Any little imperfection jumps out at us like craters on the moon. We get to a point in our quest for perfection that we lose sight of how our car really looks compared to 99% of the other cars on the road.

This really struck home the other day. With winter arriving I put the little sportscar into the garage to sleep the winter away. It had been in there... out of my sight for about 3 weeks. I had to go in the garage the other day to store the boxes that our Christmas tree came in. I was struck by just how d4mn good looking the little sportscar was looking.

There is an old saying that probably best explains this phenomena... " Distance makes the heart grow fonder "... That doesn't mean that if you are far enough away it looks good - but that if you keep it out of your sight for a while, you can look upon it with completely different eyes and better appreciate exactly what you have.

Basically I was looking at the car, not with the critical eye of the microscoping perfectionist, but instead with the eye of someone who was seeing the car for the first time. I was looking at the 'big picture' instead of getting microscopic with each square inch of the paint job. And I gotta admit I was impressed with how the car looked...

I am looking forward EXCITEDLY for next spring to arrive... because I will be able to drive it out of the garage and ENJOY it from the moment the weather again gets drivable for a ragtop

The car looks like a gift from Santa, but we all know that I saved like SCROOGE


Last edited by Marq; 12/24/06 11:03 AM.