THe previous post about the comment on who could do this in one hour, replacing the cables, carpet and thats really nickle and dimeing the subject. Actually a bit petty.

I was a judging at local shows for Chevelle 70 thru 72 for a few years. This after having a winning car at National shows. I couldnt bring myself the work the judges, yada yada yada. I would notice quite a few of cars in my same class, the owners would work and work the judges over this and that begging for points. But when I judged cars at smaller local and regional events, I had to confine myself to a level of judging more suited cars built by, good ole boys (or girls) with limited funds. These events have more daily drivers etc, and for the trailered cars, I would have a different class or catagory. In general I didnt look at matching numbers, or date codes on carbs, intakes, etc. I judged <fit and finish.> If the show had a seperate class for the concours class then yes date codes, engine compartment details as to factory correct did apply. But I usually worked it out so the daily drivers stood alone in a class seperate from the guy who trailered his $70K car to the show.

I dont see why some seem to be so unwilling to let these gentleman bask in the sun over a fine car. Ive seen more hacking over five and dime issues on this car than is necessary. If it was judged 99.1% correct that speaks for itself.

Some of you are like my wife, instead of calling it a car, you will argue its an automobile. Oh yes speaking of the wife, she too is a veteran of my Chevelle, Corvette days and more than once I have scolded her about keeping her mouth "shut" when we are viewing someones car at shows. Pride in our cars is a strong motivator and everyone is proud of their car (no matter) how good or bad the restoration or condition the car is in. Once she was running off at the mouth, pointing at incorrect detailing under the hood, incorrect finish, "oh thats not right, oops look how bad that is" etc etc. Good woman as she is, I took her off to the side and told her yes she was right, that was incorrect, but pleaseeee keep your comments to yourself until we leave the car, and we are alone with each other. DONT say negative things about a mans car in front of him or his friends or even just spectators. Thats like my mother making comments on how my wife keeps house. She doesnt want to hear it, and neither does the cars owner. This hobby is about sharing an interest together, making a few friends here and there, and <<<GOODWILL.>>> If its a crude MO FO then keep it to yourself and if the owner is nice to you and speaks to you, then dammit tell him NICEEEEEE ride buddy. Shag carpet, ugly stack breather, black engine compartment, diamond tuck interior, wheels hanging out further than the fenderwheels and all........Nice car buddy. If your happy Im happy. Remember, generosity given will be generosity given back when your car is judged by fellow enthusiasts.

Last edited by gomangoRTSE; 08/29/08 11:30 PM.