

I have personally seen this car through the whole process. You will have to trust me - the bottom is right-on. The flash / camera makes it look brighter/whiter than it is. If you look at the before picture Dave posted of the bottom you will see the same amount of over-spray... just the "fresh" version is easier to see the white. Dave ot

Thanks for jumping in Dave but you have to remember that some people do not have the ability to look at the 40 year old weathered original car and visualize what it looked like when it was new. I am just waiting for someone to say that we did not put back the same amount of surface rust and dents that showed in the "before" pictures. Just for future reference, I can assure those who are drawing conclusions from just ONE picture, that ALL characteristics of the car were precisely restored to their original dimensions.

Youre right ECS some people are just stupid,them some people just know it all,or THINK they know it all.

Last edited by 70RT Charger; 06/21/08 06:44 PM.