Are you comparing NOS samples to assembly line, factory issue parts? If so, you will find that assembly line metal parts were usually not coated or protected due to their immediate use in production. The NOS parts that could/would end up on a shelf for months at a time usually had some form of protective coating in anticipation of not being installed for long periods of time. I hope I was clear as to the parts you had access to years ago. Were they replacement NOS pieces or were they manufactured as assembly line parts?

On a separate note, PLEASE never hesitate to post your findings and/or questions on this (or ANY) forum. The only way we learn is by everyone working together towards a common goal. There are some who are more concerned with being "right" than finding the truth. I will be the first to admit if I am wrong on a subject concerning these cars. I certainly do not have a problem doing just that because I had nothing to do with their engineering or production. As a matter of fact I was only 8 years old when these vehicles were being manufactured. I find it a privilege and humbling experience to be able to provide anyone with products or information that can be of assistance. Keep up the good work!!!
