
Most likely, the lower retainers will have the large round hole. Very strange that they were not serviced.

I am sure you realize that the statement pertaining to rivets was ONLY an FYI. Your linings should of course NOT be riveted. Working on these bombs (er.. cars) when they were new told me that riveted linings were generally found in superceded shoe/lining packages and reman sets. Either way, make sure Steve is very precise on the brake adjustment, because if the balance isn't right (assuming you put a few miles on the car anyway) you don't want to end up in the weeds. Drums LOVE to pull left or right.

And please don't come back to haunt me. My convertible has the same brakes. That is concern enough for me. I'll then use my W11 "Flying Saucer" wheel covers to scare you off!

Eyes getting heavy, so enough for one night.

Bill Rolik