


Thats absolutely beautiful work,but if your gonna talk the talk you have to walk the walk,If i were judging your car I would minus you for having way too much white underneath,(not enough primer showing)it looks like in the pics you purposely painted underneath the car except for the center hump,it needs more of a overspray affect on it.Im not downing your work the rest looks friggin awesome.But you said you were going to make a car look liked it timed warped from the 70's, you either got to back it up or eat crow,sorry I had to be a critic.

I tend to agree you, however we can all agree that photos can be decieving. In the two photos posted by ECS it seems that there is way too much white coimg down from the firewall and the sides on the finished shot. I have not seen the car, (and I guess I never will) so I can only judge the photos posted. Unfortunate because I don't like being an armchair critic based solely on decieving photos. In another photo posted it looks like the strut washers a gold plated (on my screen anyways)

I'm sure the car will surpass everyone's expectations...Dave will see to it

I can wait to see it in magazines