
Hello Scott,
Thanks for the input and the comments. (Thank you Sam for also sharing your original photos.) I don’t know why these threads end up becoming a bickering match between people who claim to have the same interests within a hobby. I had to laugh when I was told that I “would be criticized” sometime down the road. For what?!?! For restoring a car that emulates what it originally was? How can people who have never seen the car, (except for pictures that do not show it’s actual patina) be all geared up and chomping at the bit to attack and criticize? Why not wait until the car is shown and THEN start the slamming. And for those wonderful upbeat individuals, how are you going to deal with having to “back up” or eat your words? I promise that Steve and I will be ready to substantiate and prove every aspect of the car. A lot has been learned over the past three years.

*Sorry that this thread has diminished to such petty ignorance Scott. Thanks again for everything!

Im sorry for being so ignorant ECS,sometimes my stupdity overcomes me.Your feelings must have been really hurt when I Obviously made the wrong comment on your car,but I was wondering are you kin to Galen Govier? But right now Im so jealous Im chomping at the bits.I never did really slam your car,you got uptight because I said I thought you had to much white or it was the wrong color primer,but until I see more pics you got way to much white underneath and not enough primer.By the way what kind of acrylic enamel did you use?