
scott.....i always shy away from superlatives BUT there are 2 things i have no problem pontificating. one is that the 71 charger of mine is the best original unrestored hemicar i have ever seen. the other is that i have put together the worlds largest performance era sign collection on earth. more than chrsler corp, ford motor co, the smitsonian, and every mopar collectors collection combined. this is where i will end the superaltives in my life. theres not much else i am any good at.

B.S. !!

You're a fantastic host.

Our club caravaned down for a tour on Steve's awesome collection. Everyone was shocked and awestruck at the contents of the collection. But everyone (guys and gals) yaked on the way home how great a host Steve was.

Steve could make a collection of thimbles interesting. And have his guest talking about it for hours on the trip home.