
Thank you very much Dave. This coming from a man whose attention to details is unmatched in today's hobby. Thanks again.
Ron , if you are referring to the motor is your post picture, I must say that is not one of my motors. I can tell one of my motors
from 10 feet away. Email me with your need.
While I am at posting ( been watching this thread quietly) I have to say that Dave should not only be commended for his efforts
on this Challenger but also with the infinite patience he has had with all the questions and picture requests. To date he has
been the only member that I know of that has had to substantiate all he is doing. Dave you certainly did not have to do that
but I thank you for your patience and efforts. The hobby will be much better for it.

My apologizes if my recollection was incorrect.
I'm sending you an email with what I need. Thanks.