The following quotes from this post sum up what the ICCA has been attempting to drive into the hobby relating to judging/ validating vehicles.

"I just have a difficult time understanding how some people have the ability to easily notice inconsistencies in some products but seem to be blind to the variations that exist within their own selections."

"Has it occurred to anyone that the incorrect hose has somehow become accepted over time as the correct one?"

"Do you see the confusion that is starting to developed here? Chryslers own parts application book seems to be contradicting what came on their own cars. How can anyone be absolutely sure what is correct unless you were lucky enough to still have the original hose when you took possession of your car?"

"That is the case, as you know, with alot of these cars. Not just the Mopars but the other two also. There are things on my cars that people are going to say are wrong, but that's the way they came. And a lot of people have cars like that. Then someone (or two) go and say that it can't be right because they THINK they know every answer to everything on every car.... so... the person doing the car goes and changes it on someone else's suggestion,,,, and,,, history gets changed once again."

I have seen thousands of vehicles that have variations from one to another. I'm sure we will all see many original variations as we begin to look closer at details that did not concern us in the past now that we are all doing our best to make our cars as accurate as possible.

Dave Wise
MMC / ICCA Detroit

MMC/ ICCA Detroit. The Motor City or where ever there is Mopars