
Looks great, nice challenge guys.

Are paint runs going to be duplicated for instance on the heater box and stampings done with smears ect, ect. Decals crooked? I have taken a few original cars apart and it amazes me how rushed many of these procedures were done. I see perfect stampings and detail on many of these items on the top notch restos.

How are those items going to be tackled on this car guys, thanks? Keep up the good work.


This car is beautiful. I can really appreciate all the hard work that goes into a complete resto, and mine isn't an attempt to return to stock.
That be said I find myself thinking about a couple of items when reading through this string though. First, why try to "duplicate" mistakes on individual cars from the factory(ex paint runs)? They were mistakes. The ideal choice is NOT to have them. I don't see how that makes it more "correct". I can see easily the reasoning for all OE parts, but the other is baffling. Second, being employed at an OEM and seeing many cars built every day with mistakes on an average of approx. 25% that require some repair before leaving the factory, I find it interesting how many "experts" on this thread act like some defects are repeatable or absolute. Every model has some feature that engineers or assemblers would like another crack at but it isn't financially feasible during mass production. When repairing an individual car, why not try to avoid repeating it? Many part markings are results of checks necessary for quality, that may not have been recognized at start up, yet implemented later. I will add this note...what the public THINKS happened at the factory and for what reason...is rarely the complete truth. Reading threads on it provides quite a bit of humor, in some circumstances though.
Keep up the awesome work on the car guys. Looking forward to seeing it! If all the paint runs aren't exactly where they "should" be, I won't complain.

Persistance is omnipotent Durability Engineer, Chair and Couch division...