
and listen to all the comments on how this is wrong and that is not correct.......it is amazing all the different comments that you hear.

Hey Troy! How are you? Have a great (safe) Holiday weekend!

I have one question (not directed to you Troy) regarding your comment. It is......Why? Why does someone find it necessary to criticize someone else's car if they don't even have a show vehicle or their car has 100 times the amount of mistakes? Car forums have certainly become the modern day breeding ground for insults and HYPOCRISY!! People are quick to point out the small gum wrapper in your back yard but over look the mammoth mound of trash in their yard. If I was such an expert to point out someones "incorrect" detail, I would at least think that my car could be used as a rolling example for correctness. Instead we have people (figuratively speaking) who are 500 pounds over weight, telling the rest of us what we need to do to loose weight and stay in shape. I see countless of cars posted in threads throughout this forum where the owner is proud of showing their vehicle. What kind of idiot would I have to be to go out there and proceed to rip them up and ask why they have the audacity to feel good about their vehicle when so many things are wrong with it? I prefer to find something kind or positive to say about their efforts and leave it at that. If they happen to ask for constructive criticism I certainly don't relish in the opportunity to "draw blood" and play the big shot. Some of the thinly veiled insults are comical at best. I especially like the ones that end with, "but I think your car is wonderful and great". What a joke.