Hi Dave, you also have a good weekend.

For many years I have been a judge at car shows. Because of this I found that when I walk up to a car I could not help but start looking for things that are wrong. This troubled me.....I did not like this habit that I got into. A few years ago I started something new. Every time I would walk up to a car at a show or just on the street...I would make myself find five things that I like about the car before I would (to myself) say what was wrong with the car.

Because of this I have become more "well rounded"....more understanding and I believe I have become a better judge for doing this.

There are a few people here that are so quick to jump on a band wagon and start throwing

Too everone, Have a good and safe weekend.

....there is nothing like driving my 1968 Hemi Dart around town and having people looking at you like you're nuts!!