


Are you currently looking for an NOS heater/AC control?
For your level of car I would think that would be the "only" way to go

That is just about impossible to find. Even the NOS pieces I have seen (non A/C examples) still needed work on them to look new. If you see my dash/radio pieces in person you almost can't tell the difference between them and Brand new ones. They really look that close to the original parts!

This coming from a guy who found/bought an NOS BLUE three speaker A/C dash pad in the box.... You're just not looking hard enough Seriously I wish I could help, but you're right some parts just don't grow on trees....

Alan don't you mean some parts aren't made in China yet?!

You guys are doing an incredible job trying to duplicate the finish of an assembly line car without the assembly line.
I can't wait to see this car in person at the Nats. Keep up the progress pics.