
I am just getting disappointed that for the last several days, there hasn't been any new topics of discussion, despite many new posts. MB

Here is a little deviation in the mix of things Mike. I know there was a post about this a few weeks ago but I thought I would interject the topic here in this thread. Below are the plastic surrounding instruments for the A/C controls and radio. I followed a process that takes away the usual screw ups. The first picture shows the white Hardened urethane paint that is applied to the raised letters with an airbrush. The silver border is also a bright reflective hardened urethane paint applied with the airbrush. After letting those hardened paints to set up over a three week period, I airbrushed Sems Trim Black lacquer over the entire surface. You have to use the hardened urethane on the white and silver so the next step is possible. After the trim black sets up take a thin T shirt material and stretch it very tight across your finger tip. Dip your finger tip in lacquer thinner and lightly pass over the raised letters and silver border until the black lacquer paint is removed. You get a beautiful finish and the lacquer thinner does not affect the white or silver urethane paint. Nice crisp edges and borders are the result. No white paint pencils or dabbing! No “too much” paint coming off the applicator tip and ruining the surrounding black areas! It is a backwards process that takes a while longer to complete but the finished product looks factory fresh and not homemade. (Click the attachments and the magnifying glass for clearer pictures.)