Hi Alan,
Many combinations of assembly were found on these cars. I have pictures of cars from the factory with the trim rings on and some that were off. We obviously chose to take the “correct route” that facilitated our desired appearance. We don't know the points as Keith did not have the final tally. He did state that we came as close to a perfect score as possible and the deductions amounted to "quarter points" regarding the total percentage. One of our plug wire boots had a half inch split and some imperfections were found on the driver's side chrome reflective door bezel. (Mr. Bruce Herschberger has a perfect replacement being shipped and we have already replaced the wire boot.) Believe it or not, I did not take but a handful of pictures so I don't have any of significance to post. Tom Barcroft (He was part of our team) was kind enough to take hundreds of photos so I hopefully can get some from him. I am eagerly awaiting to see some of the pictures that others on this forum have stated they will post at a later time. I didn't get to see the updates on this forum until about a couple of hours ago. Around five this morning (we didn't get back till after midnight from Columbus) I received a call telling me my Father was rushed to the hospital for emergency brain surgery to stop internal bleeding. I have been there most of the day. It has certainly put a dampener on what should be a positive time right now. Also puts alot of things in perspective. Thanks for the comment.