
So... please explain why a front glass stabilizer track guide would be in the trunk?

Being that I didn't put it there I can't answer that question. I also wouldn't know why a doctor's appointment was written on a factory invoice I had seen but I am sure that was not a factory mandated procedure. If appears that someone ADDED that section you pictured of the vehicle traveler sheet. It certainly was not part of the original sheet. You also can't use one sample to justify every one. I have seen quite a few that had only the top row of processed information filled in. Look at the sample that was said to be Steve Julianos. Nothing but the top row of information is filled out. (It is identical to the top row of a build sheet.) Why would they put a "problem" form with the car if there were no problems to be listed on the sheet? These forms were not considered vague with regards to their specified function. Chrysler was very precise with the paperwork and the intent of their purposes.