Hello Scott,
Just a tidbit of info about the engine paint and the finish. We spent over a week and a half coming up with a paint mix and air pressure to get that look. Dave Stuart (Dodge Material) was basically responsible for helping with the final color that we came up with. I could go on about Dave but the list is too long. While I am at it, Terry McCann provided so many detail orientated NOS parts for this project. Without his input and assistance, I would have had a very difficult time finding some of the NOS parts that were critical for this restoration. Dr. Dennis Veronikis was also a tremendous help with parts and original car/parts references. (Besides being the best in his medical field, you should see some of his cars! Three new ZO6's, two Brand new Ferraris, two new Lamborghinis, a new Viper, two new Supercharged Mercedes, etc....and I do mean etc….) There are many other people I could mention.
Thanks again guys!!!