In the late 60's we had almost mile stretch of road NE 12th Ave in Ft Lauderdale in an unbuilt industrial area that was bordered by a canal (remember this)and railroad tracks. It also formed the boundary between Tt Lauderdale and Oakland Park, so it was kinda of a no man's land for enforcement. Don't know how or who, but someone put a white stripe starting line at the northend (remember this also) and finish line a 1/4mile south.

So sometime in late 69 when I was senior in HS, a dufus classmate's parents took a trip, leaving him alone, with their late model Lincoln suicide door multi ton monster, that likely took nearly a 1/4 mile to stop (last main point to remember .

While parents were gone he got a little drunk to say the least, took the parents car, lined up on the finish line heading north, and proceeded like a good boy to blow the carbon out in all 3 gears on the 1/4 mile. Well stopping was out of the question, car and him ended up in the canal after getting airborne probably for awhile at the finish line. He was lucky to swim ashore. The cops soon came upon the scene, found the submerged car, towed it out, but no body. So they proceeded to drag the canal for hours. The hungover duffus finally sobered up, returned to the scene and asked the cops if they found his car. They were more then annoyed. I don't remember him returning to school.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.